The overall mission of the MN Regional SCIMS is to provide a multidisciplinary continuum of care for people with SCI as a basis for research that aligns with NIDILRR’s Long Range Plan and expands existing research that can be used to improve services and outcomes for people with SCI.

Goals of the MN Regional SCIMS:

  1. Leverage our multidisciplinary system of care to advance national SCIMS initiatives;
  2. Collect high-quality, representative, longitudinal data that will increase the racial, ethnic, and socio-economic diversity of the National Spinal Cord Injury database;
  3. Implement an SCI model system founded upon diversity, equity, and inclusion ideals while ensuring that the input of people with SCI is used to shape system activities;
  4. Contribute to improving long-term SCI outcomes and improved services through a collaborative spinal cord injury research portfolio that engages local team members as well as national model system collaborators.
Logos of MNSCIMS Centers