Jennifer Theis, MS, OT

Lead Data Collector (CKRI)

Jennifer has been an occupational therapy practitioner for almost 25 years. She received her undergraduate training in psychology from Carleton College and her Master’s of Science in Occupational Therapy from Boston University. Jennifer’s primary therapy passion is spinal cord injury care. She is a senior staff occupational therapist and is also the Program Coordinator for the Spinal Cord System of Care at Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute. She is a board member of MNSCIA (Minnesota Spinal Cord Injury Association; the local chapter of United Spinal Association) serving the SCI community to provide resources and connections in the Twin Cities. For the MN Regional SCIMS, she is the lead data collector for Courage Kenny Research Center as well as a member of the Community Engagement Committee.

Jennifer Theis smiling in front of artwork