Kimberley Monden, PhD

Project Director

Dr. Monden is an Associate Professor, Licensed Psychologist, and Vice Chair of Research in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at the UMN Medical School with experience in SCI clinical care and research. Dr. Monden studies resilience and appraisals of injustice, with a specific interest in improving quality of life and long-term psychosocial outcomes after spinal cord injury. Dr. Monden has research funding from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research, the Department of Defense, and the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation. Dr. Monden serves as Co-Project Director of the MN Regional SCIMS and is the Principal Investigator of the module project Is Meeting the Spinal Cord Injury Physical Activity Guidelines Associated with Health-Related and Psychosocial Outcomes?

Biography Media
Headshot of Dr. Kimberley Monden, Project Director of the MN Regional SCIMS, wearing a blazer and smiling professionally.